Einladung! Meet the british analogue Gentleman from Spain in Vienna!
Die Galerie LIK Vienna zeigt Dave Shannon
Foto: Dave Shannon
Der in Spanien lebende britische Fotograf Dave Shannon ist ein Beobachter, ein Beobachter mit der analogen Kamera. Die Galerie LIK zeigt seine handausgearbeiteten Unikate ab 17.2.2023 in Wien.
Foto: Dave Shannon
Die Galerie LIK lädt zur Vernissage, bei der der Fotokünstler anwesend ist am Freitag, den 17. Februar um 19:00 Uhr in die Spittelberggasse 9 in 1070 Wien.
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Termin: Freitag, 17.2.2023 um 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Galerie LIK Spittelberggasse 9, 1070 Wien
Fotos: Dave Shannon
I started photography whilst I was in my teens. I was lucky enough to go to a school that had a darkroom and a teacher who was passionate about photography and passing on his darkroom skills. The bug has never left me. Darkroom alchemy is addictive to me, watching the print develop before my eyes in the tray. It must be remembered that darkroom techniques were the original Photoshop! I started with my Fathers Voigtlander 35mm rangefinder then moved onto the Minolta system with an X700, (how I regret selling it). I upgraded to autofocus and then digital all with Minolta before Sony bought them out. I missed shooting film so bought a Mamiya 645 whilst swapping my Minolta gear for Canon. That’s where I am now, Canon for digital and Mamiya systems for 645 and 6x7 film. I managed to attain the level of Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society at Art College. This was shot with black and white film and darkroom printed submissions rather than digital images. My photography heroes are numerous and varied. Don McCullin, Sebastiao Salgado, Bob Carlos Clarke, Bailey and Ansel Adams obviously. There is a controversy with the Vivian Mayer story but she was an incredible photographer and has an important historical archive. I love the work of Richard Young and new photographer Vivianna M. Curiel Flores. This exhibition is typical of what I shoot. As I have already said I do use both photography mediums but prefer analogue, shooting portraits, street photography and old buildings with character. I am lucky enough to live in an incredible area of Spain where all the subjects reveal themselves to my lens. I have also managed to set up my own darkroom in the back of my house. I print up to 12 x 16 inches preferring fibre based matt or semi matt papers. Currently I am also experimenting with warm tone papers and different developers. I use mainly Ilford products but the book The Darkroom Cookbook has a great developer recipe for Ansco 113 which was favored by Ansel Adams. Another delight of analogue photography, the ability to experiment without having to sit in front of a computer screen. Maybe the results will be for my next exhibition though! My next goals are to set up a website and post more frequently on Instagram. Digital does have its uses.