Die besten Fotos des World Masters of Photography Award im Juli in der Galerie LIK in Wien.
Armand Tamboly
Die 18 besten Fotos des 1. World Masters of Photography Award 2022
Das sind die jeweils besten 3 Fotos der 6 Sparten des ersten World Masters of Photography Award 2022. Die Galerie LIK in Wien zeigt diese Fotos in Fine Art Prints und die 120 ausgezeichneten Werke im Screening ab dem 3. Juli 2022 beim LIK Sommer Fotofestival Wien.
World Masters of Photography Award 2022 - the Winners!
Fashion Photography:
WMPO TROPHY GOLD - 1. Platz: Armand Tamboly / Germany / Spandexmania
WMPO SILVER - 2. Platz: Frank Zhang / United States / Yayoi Kusama X Botanic Garden of New York-Dancing Pumpkin
WMPO BRONCE - 3. Platz: Vladimir Karamazov / Bulgaria / Without Tickets
Free Subject:
WMPO TROPHY GOLD - 1. Platz: Claudio Sericano / Italy / Metropolis
WMPO SILVER - 2. Platz: Claudiu Guraliuc / Romania / Pentheus and the maenads
WMPO Bronce - 3. Platz: Azim Khan Ronnie / Bangladesh / Praying with fire
WMPO TROPHY GOLD - 1. Platz: Yevhen Samuchenko / Ukraine / Mowgli from Urban jungle
WMPO SILVER - 2. Platz: Ilaria Miani / Italy / The Gentleman
WMPO BRONCE - 3. Platz: Giacomo Sini Giacomo Sini / Italy / YBS (Sinjar Resistance Units) fighter's relax
Street Photography:
Olga Ples / World / The Lord of Seagulls
Yuliy Vasilev / Bulgaria / Music for Deaf
Md Tanveer Hassan Rohan / United States / Challenging Journey
Carlos Solinis Camalich / Spain / Stokksnes Black Sand
Paul Wilson / New Zealand / Electric Dream
Stefan Weiß / Austria / Tretbootruhe
Contemporary Photography:
Chris Noltekuhlmann / Germany / Mormar
Viktoria Andreeva / Austria / Finding the balance
Shuchuan Liu / Japan / Art deco and Architecture No.4
These are the best 3 photos of each of the 6 categories of the first World Masters of Photography Award 2022. Galerie LIK in Vienna is showing these photos in fine art prints and the 120 award-winning works in screening from 3 July 2022 at the LIK Summer Photo Festival Vienna.
World Masters of Photography Award 2022 - the Winne
Fashion Photography:
WMPO TROPHY GOLD - 1. Platz: Armand Tamboly / Germany / Spandexmania
WMPO SILVER - 2. Platz: Frank Zhang / United States / Yayoi Kusama X Botanic Garden of New York-Dancing Pumpkin
WMPO BRONCE - 3. Platz: Vladimir Karamazov / Bulgaria / Without Tickets
Free Subject:
WMPO TROPHY GOLD - 1. Platz: Claudio Sericano / Italy / Metropolis
WMPO SILVER - 2. Platz: Claudiu Guraliuc / Romania / Pentheus and the maenads
WMPO Bronce - 3. Platz: Azim Khan Ronnie / Bangladesh / Praying with fire
WMPO TROPHY GOLD - 1. Platz: Yevhen Samuchenko / Ukraine / Mowgli from Urban jungle
WMPO SILVER - 2. Platz: Ilaria Miani / Italy / The Gentleman
WMPO BRONCE - 3. Platz: Giacomo Sini Giacomo Sini / Italy / YBS (Sinjar Resistance Units) fighter's relax
Street Photography:
Olga Ples / World / The Lord of Seagulls
Yuliy Vasilev / Bulgaria / Music for Deaf
Md Tanveer Hassan Rohan / United States / Challenging Journey
Carlos Solinis Camalich / Spain / Stokksnes Black Sand
Paul Wilson / New Zealand / Electric Dream
Stefan Weiß / Austria / Tretbootruhe
Contemporary Photography:
Chris Noltekuhlmann / Germany / Mormar
Viktoria Andreeva / Austria / Finding the balance
Shuchuan Liu / Japan / Art deco and Architecture No.4
Award Ceremony of the 1. World Masters of Photography Award on 2022 July 3rd in Vienna
Siegerehrung und Screening der der Honorable Mentions und Sieger des 1. WMPO World Masters of Photography Awards 2022. Register now.
Siegerehrung und Screening der der Honorable Mentions und Sieger des 1. WMPO World Masters of Photography Awards 2022. Hier anmelden:
3. VIEPA Vienna International Photo Award 2022
Auch in diesem Jahr gibt es wieder 7 spannende Sparten und den Students Award. Die fantastischen Gewinne beinhalten natürlich wieder die VIEPA Trophy, Medaillen und Vouchers für Fotoworkshops und exklusive Urlaubsdestinationen, Kameras und Bücher. Ab sofort ist die Registrierung geöffnet. Die Teilnahme ist bis zum 31.5.2022 möglich.
HIER ist die VIEPA 2022 Seite.
Im Rahmen des 5. Sommer Fotofestivals Wien veranstaltet die LIK Akademie für Foto und Design zum 19. Mal den Sommer Intensiv Lehrgang Fotografie. Nimm teil am Sommer Fotofestival 2022.! Ausstellungen, Impulsreferate Online, Das Sommerfest der Fotografie, Sommerakademie Fotografie, Workshops und vieles mehr.
Digitale FOTOGRAFIE in Wien Lehrgang Intensiv der LIK Sommer Akademie für Foto und Design WIEN 11. Julii 2022 bis 15. Juli 2022
Alle Details hier: https://www.sommer-fotoakademie.info/lik-fotosommer-wien
3rd VIEPA Vienna International Photo Award 2022
Also this year there are again 7 exciting categories and the Students Award. The fantastic prizes include the VIEPA Trophy, medals and vouchers for photo workshops and exclusive holiday destinations, cameras and books. Registration is now open. Participation is possible until 31.5.2022.
HERE is the VIEPA 2022 page.
Part of the 5th Summer Photo Festival Vienna, the LIK Academy for Photo and Design is organizing the Summer Intensive Photography Course for the 19th time. Take part in the Summer Photo Festival 2022.! Exhibitions, keynote speeches online, The Summer Festival of Photography, Summer Academy Photography, workshops and much more.
Digital PHOTOGRAPHY - English Class of the LIK Summer Academy for Photo and Design VIENNA 11. July 2022 to 15 July 2022 - English Class
All Details: https://www.sommer-fotoakademie.info/lik-summerschool-photography-vienna