VIEPA Available Light Photo Awards go to Austria, Spain and Germany

VIEPA Award 2024 - Nacht Fotografie

Die Siegerinnen der Sparte Nacht Fotografie des 5. Vienna international Photo Awards sind festgelegt. Wir  gratulieren herzlich!

Die Preise werden bei der VIEPA Gala am 19.9.2024 um 19:00 in Wien verliehen: GUEST LIST HERE

VIEPA Award 2024 - Available Night Photography

The winners of the Section Available Photography of the 5th Vienna international Photo Awards. Congratulations to them!

The prizes will be awarded at the VIEPA Gala on 19.9.2024 at 19:00 in Vienna: GUEST LIST HERE

Alle Ausstellungsfotos wurden durch den Laborpartner des VIEPA 2024 Award COLOR DRACK geprintet und kaschiert.

Felix Mayr / Austria / Gas Station at the End of the World

VIEPA GOLD MEDAL - Night and available Light Photography:

Felix Mayr / Austria / Gas Station at the End of the World

VIEPA SILVER MEDAL - Night and available Light Photography:

Josep Francesc Sanmartín Cava / Spain / Sahrawi night 2

VIEPA BRONCE MEDAL - Night and available Light Photography:

Deryk Baumgärtner / Germany / bodie store

Jury - Special Prize Night and available Light Photography: Special Prize from  B.Exclusive  B.EXCLUSIVE Special Prize at the LYNGEN EXPERIENCE LODGE in Northern Norway.  5 nights in a double room with breakfast worth Euro 2,000.-

Asako Naruto  / Spain /

Honorable Mentions:

  • Matteo Strassera / Italy / Timeless Story

  • Stefan Thaler / Austria / Explore the Night

  • Michiko Ôtomo / Canada / Mystery zone

  • Josep Francesc Sanmartín Cava / Spain /Sahrawi night

  • Falkmar Ameringer / Austria /

  • Tom Atwood / United States / TIM COULTER, Homeless activist

  • thibault gerbaldi / United States / A Quiet

  • Rudolf Sulgan / Slovakia / NoHo NYC

  • Renata Zambello Furtado / Brazil / Poland

  • MIQUEL ANGEL ARTUS ILLANA / Spain / Bardenas Reales de

  • Marnie Wilkinson / Austria / Blind or Blinded - eine Fotografie welche sich mit dem

  • Julien Duval / Croatia / Waterproof

  • Jihoon Hwang / Korea / Black Church

  • Deryk Baumgärtner / Germany / false kiva

  • Carlotta Roda / Italy / Heart Nebula

  • Samuel Sieder / Italy / Teheran


Alle Ausstellungsfotos wurden durch den Laborpartner des VIEPA 2024 Award COLOR DRACK geprintet und kaschiert.

Diploma Course Photography and Mediadesign in english Language HERE:

See You at the Competa Photo Days in November in Spain or join us in Lanzarote in December:

Register for the Award Ceremony  GUESTLIST HERE - opening 19.9.2024 19:00

New Photo Awards